Sunday, 2 December 2007

She's Gone Too Far

Not only does she look like a cat ...... she eats small furry animals.


Anonymous said...

Dear Issy,
I have put down a bowl of milk for your cat when it comes to visit today but are you sure it is "house trained"?
Love Grandi x

Anonymous said...

Is that Chedder she's eating??

Uncle Dunc

Anonymous said...

Please pass on my HAPPY BIRHDAY to Gracie. Hopefully she'll get out of pet eating when she's a year older or she won't be staying at our house again - Patch is too precious.
Looking forward to seeing the Morribubbles on Saturday.
Lots of love Auntie Abi XXXXX

Anonymous said...

HAPPY CHRISTMAS to The Morrisons.
Hope you have a lovely time in Scotland and we're looking forward to seeing you when you get back. Hope you've all been really really good as Father Christmas has been watching!!!
Lots of love Auntie Abi & the Gang XXXXXXXXXX