Monday, 19 May 2008

fun at the fair

I went to my old school for the May fair. I had lots of fun with Amelia. The next day we watched St Trinians. Supa movie. Here is a picture of my plan for a new hairstyle.


Anonymous said...

Dear Issy ,
Are you sure? It looks as though you will be cutting a fringe in again , just remember how long it took you to grow it out! Imagine all that hair falling over your face - you wouldn`t know if you were coming or going.
It is a "supa" picture though.
I hope you have lots of fun in Brighton and I`ll see you when you get back.
Love Grandi xx

Anonymous said...

dear iss i think st.trinnions is great i realy like the emos how are your fav out of chavs,geeks,emos,kelly or first years?
me and my best friend meg are mad about it

Anonymous said...

hi issy,
great picture, it was lovely to see you in brighton and to spend your birthday with you, hope you had a great time.
love to all and see you soon, looking forward to our sleep over.
love Auntie Jo Jo xxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Dear Auntie Jo Jo
We had a great time with you in Brighton, what a party!!
Can't wait to see you soon, thanks for introducing us to the pound shop!!
Looking forward to seeing you oven baked..
xxxthe Gang
pps we're missing you already, Grace wants a morning cuddle from her Auntie Jo Jo.

Anonymous said...


I have two faves, chavs and Kelly,

I like emos 2nd best because 1 has studs in her chin. I think 1st years are funny.

Your best cuz,


Issy 100% chav

Anonymous said...

Dear Issy,

The layers of hair look good but that is a lot of hair to look after. It would get into a mess in a storm and it would take at least an hour to wash and dry. I saw St Trinians - the old black and white films. I like the picture, keep drawing.

Uncle Iain