Monday, 16 March 2009

red nose red hair "THE OTHER SIDE OF ME"!

Thanks to Vicki for the hair! I had one side curly and glittery, and one side red and straight.


Anonymous said...

I like the special effects, especially the silver one. Well I hope they are effects and you have not suddenly gone bright red or silver!

Uncle Iain

Vanessa said...

Hey Issy! It's Vanessa. I'm so sorry that I haven't looked at your blog earlier but I have been so busy its unbelievable! =(
This is a really cool blog page, i've never blogged before but I think it looks quite fun! Knowing me, I would probably forget to write stuff on it! =) Hope you are well and are enjoying your easter hols! i am! I will write you a letter soon. Lots of Love Vanessa (your pen pal) xx

Anonymous said...

hey vannessa
i cant wait till the summer hols so i can mabey see you again!!!

thanks for your messgge
